Scheinwurf GmbH adds ETC Eos Ti® to portfolio
Date Posted: 11/15/2016

With 15 years of experience, and involvement in high profile projects including the Munich Prinzregententheater and the Heidenheim opera festival, Scheinwurf GmbH is one of the leading companies in southern Germany’s lighting industry. To further its aim to be able to offer its prestigious customers the best and most
innovative lighting technology, the Munich-based company recently invested in an
ETC Eos Tilighting console.
For a number of years, the Scheinwurf team has relied on equipment from ETC. “Our rental inventory includes all the
Eos family consoles from ETC,” says Stefan Bettinger, Scheinwurf’s managing director. “They offer an enormous range of functions, and they’re simple and easy to use, both by professionals and inexperienced users. In particular, for the manipulation and editing of cue
lists, the Eos Ti is the best desk on the market in the theatre sector, and the latest software updates make it an excellent choice for live events too.”
According to Bettinger, large tour, theatre and opera productions regularly request the Eos Ti, but availability in the rental sector is very limited. With its latest addition, Scheinwurf is helping to fill that gap. The flagship ETC console, with up to 32,768 output channels, is ideally suited for these major tasks. The console is compatible
with various network protocols - such as ACN-based ETCNet3, ETCNet2, Artnet, and Avab UDP. This makes it easy to incorporate in modern lighting networks and also media control servers. Problem-free configuration and programming of pixel mapping layouts with integrated or user-defined content is also possible.
In addition to several Eos family consoles, Scheinwurf has
ETC Source Four® LED Series 2 fixtures and matching
Zoom, Fresnel and Cyc attachments in its rental stock. With the new console, Bettinger hopes to further expand the business: “We have been an official ETC dealer for a year now, and we’re listed on the ETC website. As part of this collaboration, we were also able to present
ourselves on ETC’s stand at this year's Prolight + Sound in Frankfurt. As a result, over the past 12 months, our rental division has grown considerably. With the Eos Ti, we are now hoping to win more new customers with larger productions.”