Registration for ETC’s 2015 CUE professional development conference now open
Date Posted: 1/19/2015

ETC is now accepting registrations for its CUE professional development conference, which will take place June 26th
through 28th
, 2015, in Madison, Wisconsin, at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center. Early registrants can take advantage of a special discount, which will expire February 28th
Who should attend CUE?
Lighting professionals and enthusiasts from around the world are invited to take part in the CUE conference. Attendees of all skill levels will be able to increase their knowledge and apply what they learn to their daily work.
What is offered at CUE
ETC is ramping up the schedule for CUE 2015 to include two learning tracks that will help attendees get the most out of the conference. The Technical Theater and Continuing Education track is aimed at students and instructors, and will include classes that go beyond the basics to better prepare the industry's next generation for their careers. The Console-Training and Certification track gives beginning- to advanced-level lighting programmers the opportunity to improve their skills on ETC's
family control systems and to learn new features and functions.
CUE will also have opportunities to be hands-on with ETC fixtures, power-control systems, rigging systems, and more. ETC has invited some of the industry's biggest names to teach classes, deliver keynote addresses, and give out valuable advice. Attendees will be able to participate in discussions about issues facing the industry today, and share their experiences with peers. They'll also get to see ETC's legendary factory in person, and meet ETC employees from around the globe. And CUE attendees will be among the first to try out new products and see what equipment is in development at ETC.
Conference costs
There is a small fee to attend the CUE professional development conference that covers classes, meals and special events, and attendees are responsible for their own transportation and lodging. ETC is offering several full and partial sponsorships that can help offset those costs, with sponsorship applications due on Friday, February 13th
To register, to find sponsorship applications, and to get more information about ETC's CUE professional development conference, visit