ETC Hog 4 Console Training is Back to Asia!
Date Posted: 9/8/2021

ETC Asia recently conducted a Hog 4 console training on August 25 and 26 at the training center in the Hong Kong office. The classes were well received by more than 20 students who are industry practitioners with varying backgrounds. They left the classes with basic knowledge of Hog 4 console programming skills, time-saving tips and tricks, and the most up-to-date technical knowledge shared by the experienced Hog user, Onefai Mak. Application response was overwhelming for this much-anticipated Hog 4 training class as the previous training was held in 2018.
This one-day class covers the Hog 4 console layout introduction and basic programming techniques, including patching, programming, effects, and more. Students can learn the new skills in a hands-on approach by using the Big Hog 4 hardware with the latest OS. “It’s a very good learning experience! The instructor is experienced; it’s good to learn with a real Hog console,” one of the students commented in the class survey. ETC provides the best learning environment and equipment for students to level up their skills for future productions. Students like the classes and most are already asking for the advanced training sessions.
ETC Asia organizes console training for both Hog 4 and Eos regularly. Join our mailing list and check out for more details. You can also explore our online educational resources from LearningStage and Video Tutorials.