
ETC hands over £17,500 to Behind the Scenes UK

Date Posted: 10/8/2014

ETC CEO Fred Foster gives a check to Behind the Scenes Trustee John Simpson at the 2014 PLASA tradeshow

ETC gave a check for almost £17,500 to the Behind the Scenes charity at the 2014 PLASA tradeshow in London.

The donations come from people who bought the European version of the ETC iRFR or aRFR app for their phone or tablet over the past year, all of whom had the choice of whether their money went to the US charity, or its UK branch, which until recently was called Light Relief.

Handing over a check to John Simpson, trustee of Behind the Scenes, ETC's CEO Fred Foster said: "Lighting can be easy to control using the ETC iRFR for iOS and aRFR for Android, but sometimes life can be more difficult. That's why we're pleased to continue to support the Behind the Scenes charity, which provides much-needed support to our colleagues and their families when times are hard."