ETC congratulates dealer Imlight on 25th anniversary
Date Posted: 9/25/2014

This year, official ETC dealer Imlight is celebrating its 25th
year in business. On Thursday, September 11
, Imlight invited dozens of guests to mark the special occasion with a banquet, live entertainment, heartfelt toasts, and - of course - great lighting and sound design. ETC took part in the festivities and honored the two companies' close partnership and the success that Imlight has had over the years.

ETC Eastern European Sales Manager Armin Kloss, Field Service Coordinator Florian Maier and Communications Specialist Allison Suchon attended the event, and presented a very fitting gift to Imlight CEO Andrey Pushkarev, which was chosen specially by ETC CEO Fred Foster. "Because the 25th anniversary is considered the silver anniversary, we thought that a silver-colored ETC
Source Four Mini
fixture would be the perfect gift," explains Foster. "Our company has produced only 25 silver Minis, 15 of which are installed in our New York office. We hope the fixture we gave Imlight will decorate their office in the same way." The ETC team also gave Pushkarev a letter from Foster commending Imlight for its impressive sales in 2013, and also gave a toast in Russian thanking the company for being part of the ETC family.

ETC was just one of many companies who gave toasts to Pushkarev and the rest of Imlight's staff at the banquet. In between the well-wishes, guests were treated to performances by a range of artists, including modern and ballet dancers, legendary opera singers, a heavy metal band, and KISS and ABBA cover bands. Each production featured exquisite lighting and sound design executed by Imlight employees.

"We're happy to have been part of such a great event," says Kloss. "We're so proud of the friendship we have with everyone at Imlight, and it was exciting to see them honored by so many influential people in the industry. We wish a happy 25th
anniversary to Imlight and look forward to their continued success."