Eos v3.2 brings powerful new programming features to ETC’s flagship control family
Date Posted: 4/19/2023

ETC’s flagship Eos lighting control family grows more powerful with every free software release, introducing features that streamline and revolutionize the design team’s workflow. Eos v3.2 – the latest major update – is no exception, bringing powerful tools to quickly adjust fixture-, device- and session-level settings, as well as massive expansions in the Augment3d programming environment.

As modern lighting systems grow to encompass more and more controllers and devices, easy access to network configuration controls is paramount. Eos v3.2 brings several key settings from the shell into the Eos application proper, allowing them to be saved
in the show file and adjusted in real time without leaving your session or stopping output. Device settings are also now stored in profiles within the show file, allowing you to bind devices for quicker configuration. With the template file feature,
easily starting from a known point is as simple as starting a new show. Output protocol settings have also been brought into Eos and have been significantly expanded to support advanced configurations for dynamic and static systems large and small
– laying the groundwork for future system expansion.

Color control has also received significant upgrades in the new software. You can now set color configurations for your fixtures, allowing Eos to control them with ease. As you use and build LED fixtures, Eos dynamically generates a gamut, giving you
use of the color tools with any fixture — from two-emitter white light fixtures to eight emitters and beyond. The software also adds native and virtual CIE XY controls via the color tools and command line to keep you up to date on any communication
path your fixtures and your team may use.

The most dynamic new control feature can be found in Augment3d, the award-winning 3D-programming and visualization environment built into the Eos software. The new Zones feature offers a revolutionary way to let your 3D environment affect your lighting.
Don’t want moving fixtures to land on the projection screen? Would you like the lights to turn blue every time they move offstage or go dark when they pan over the audience? Zones allow you to define regions in your model space and automatically affect
fixture behavior when they intersect with the zone – turning intensity off or on, triggering macros, or applying presets or palettes. You can even attach a Zone to a moveable scenic element in your model – allowing the Zone to intersect and affect
the behavior of static fixtures as well as movers. Programming complex behaviors has never been simpler.
A 3D programming environment is only as good as its model, and Eos v3.2 makes getting started in Augment3d easier than ever. ETC teamed up with Vectorworks to implement direct MVR import for fixture and model data — no more plug-ins. In addition, you
can import glTF from other drafting suites, as well as the 50+ file formats Augment3d already supports. And with the upcoming Augment3d Scanner app for iOS & Android, you can use your phone or tablet’s built-in AR tools to scan your space and instantly
create an Eos-compatible model.
Eos v3.2 adds a massive suite of tools that elevates your design and programming, letting you work not just faster — but better. With additional quality-of-life improvements system-wide – including new features like macro search, cue alerts, focus palettes
that follow Augment3d objects – the new software is bound to be a game-changer, no matter which Eos Family console you use.