ETC nets good turnout for Moscow training
Date Posted: 2/10/2015

In November, ETC held a first-of-its-kind networking seminar at its representative office in Moscow. Led by ETC Trainer Vladimir Kraynov, ETC Service Technician Corey Cascio, and Oleg Arifov from ETC's authorized service partner, AO Light SP, the training explained how to incorporate new network devices into theatrical and event lighting systems.
ETC dealers and trainers attended the first day of the seminar, strengthening their knowledge of new protocols that are being introduced to the market, which allows them to better serve ETC customers and end users.
The second day of the event was geared toward end users, including professionals from Moscow's Bolshoi Theater, Maly Theater, and Taganka Theater. The seminar covered DMX, RDM, network hardware, IP addresses, configuration and monitoring software, and protocols such as ArtNet, ACN and sACN. Kraynov, Cascio and Arifov went through the basics of each topic and helped attendees learn how to troubleshoot problems in their lighting networks.

"Admittedly, the idea of an in-depth training in Russian came up a while ago," explains Kraynov. "That exact idea became relevant again when an IP- and Ethernet-based solution became accessible to a large group of end users, and began to spread to smaller installations where lack of understanding led many professionals to keep making the same mistakes over and over. It turned out that at some point, the IT industry - especially data transmission networks - drove me into the technical lighting industry. In a way, because these two days happened all at once. All the material came together in the same way, so attendees were always in a state of hands-on participation: examining gear, answering questions, and gaining experience. It's great to see that ETC is the first company to deliver on the idea of doing an in-depth training, and has begun sharing information about networking with professionals in Russia."
ETC is planning more trainings in Russian cities for 2015. To learn more about them, email