ColorSource 20 impresses at HAW Hamburg
Date Posted: 11/3/2016

At the end of the 2016 summer term, the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences’ newly acquired ETC
ColorSource 20 console made its stage debut. As part of a collaboration between the university — also known as HAW Hamburg — and the drama studio FRESE, students from the media technology degree programme supported the staging of a play („Weniger
wirklich. Vielleicht. Aber wahrer“), providing technical knowhow and equipment.

The HAW Hamburg students played a lead role in the planning and technical implementation of the production. To support them in this task, they had full access to the technical fleet of the institute’s lighting laboratory, including the new ColorSource 20
console. “An absolute highlight of the project was the work with the brand new console,” says Fabian Oving, a scientific staff member of the lighting laboratory. “During the preparation for this production, the students were able to test the numerous features of the desk." Oving subsequently dubbed the ColorSource
20, with its 20 faders and 40 control circuits, the “ideal controller", applauding its ability to accommodate both the conventional and LED lighting fixtures used on the production.
The compact and affordable ColorSource consoles, available with 20 or 40 faders, are ideal for smaller venues, schools and universities. With a user-friendly design, easy menu navigation and tutorial videos stored in the memory of the console, the ColorSource console is suitable for beginners
and inexperienced users, not just seasoned lighting professionals.

“After a very short learning period, the students were able to implement the desired lighting concept very quickly and without any problems,” says Oving. The lighting design comprised scene lighting in a classic sense, but also chase sequences and other effects for different moods. "For the
majority of students, this project was their first experience as a lighting operator. The intuitive interface of the console meant the students picked it up immediately and were able to work safely, with astonishing results. Oving concludes: “The production
was highly praised by all participants, both artistically and technically.”
The ColorSource 20 has since become an integral part of the HAW Hamburg lighting lab, making it easier for the university’s students to explore the fascinating world of lighting technology.
Photo credit: Silvano Ballone