
ALD members get live demo of ETC CYC

Date Posted: 11/15/2013

Members of the UK-based Association of Lighting Designers (ALD) were treated to a special demonstration of ETC's new  Source Four LED CYC™ adapter. The group visited London's National Theatre, where twenty ETC  Source Four LED™ luminaires with attached CYC units light up the cyclorama for Liolà    on the theater's Lyttelton stage. Ten luminaires are installed above the 50ft x 23ft elevated cyc, and ten below, completely covering the backdrop with x7 color.

Lighting supervisor Steve Binks told the visiting ALD members that he and his colleagues realized they were taking a risk by using a new product still in final development for their lighting, but the result was a resounding success. "My initial fear was that the comparative output of the LED would not be enough," he said, "but the LED output was great, even with tricky pastel colors at low levels, and the optics meant that coverage was beautifully even across the cyc." 

The Lyttelton's technicians replaced what would have been 20 four-cells with  Source Four LED Lustr+™ luminaires, which, Binks explains, "potentially reduces power consumption by 77.5kW - a massive 96% - as well as saving time and money on buying and cutting gel. We also benefitted from comparative savings on weight, which gave us greater flexibility when rigging." 

ETC Regional Sales Manager Mark White accompanied the tour through the theater and explains: "The visitors were really impressed with the power and versatility of the new CYC adapter and its ability to cover such a wide space at greater efficiency. We saw perfectly smooth coverage, without seams or scallops."